Currently Migrating some key services to cloud based storage. There may be some disruptions.
Migration To Docker
Migration to docker instance completed.
Original setup:
- Host apache2
- Host mysql
New Setup:
- docker reverse-proxy-nginx
- docker letsencrypt proxy
- docker wordpress
New setup allows me to host multiple websites in containerized formats.
Allows for volume backup and management for cross site support.
Will write new post to show how to make it happen, as guides are… Lackluster
Had some fun playing with Superpermutations.
Code: <LINK>
So, superpermutation are interesting and useful. This is the first step in an idea, but I wonder if I can create a superpermutation for passwords of length N. Then use that in a rolling key system for hash cracking.
Theoretically, it would be smaller then a rainbow table, and ALOT easier to do multi system, hashing and threading on.
FBX Bone Fixer
Mixamo rigs and other rigs from other developers add mixamo: to all elements of the rig. This remove them.
Usage: fbxbonefixer.exe myfile.fbx <textoreplace>
example: fbxbonefixer.exe myfile.fbx “mixamo:”
requires the FBXsdk
Zomgam update:
600 Zombies, ~60fps. on a laptop.

Added More of my old projects
Apparently employers look at this website. Better give them a better idea of what I do.
Cluster update
Finished installing and configuring docker on my Computer cluster.

Really need to clean up the wiring