Top down 3D survival shooter programmed in unity with c#

Players kill waves of zombies for money. Goal is to survive.
Daylight lasts for 5 minutes, or until all players agree to wait until nightfall.
Nightfall lasts for 3 minutes. During nightfall waves of zombies spawn, seeking to kill the players. The players in turn protect themselves by either shooting the zombies, or surviving until daylight.
During the day, shops open with limited stock. These shops can be found during the night, but will not open until daylight. Shops move every night to a different part of the map.
Currency is done via a “Input & output” currency. During the nights and day, players scavenge building and kill zombies to receive boxes of “Supplies” All supplies are given to the trader when you talk to them, in return they give you “ammo” at a fixed rate of 100 per 1 supplies. Turn in bonuses can be accrued, every 10 supply’s turned in at once, give a bonus percentage.
Supply boxes come in 3 sizes:
- Small: Provides 1x supply
- Medium: Provides 2x
- Large: provides 4x
Main currency of the game is “AMMO”. All basic weapons use the same ammo. But ammo may be spent to purchase new weapons, specialty ammo, and building materials.
Zombie Types
- Speed: Slow
- Intel: Stupid, walks toward nearest player, if it encounters an obstacle, it will attack it until dead, the repeat.
- HP: Low
- Strength: Medium
- Attack: Melee
- Speed: Slow
- Intel: Stupid
- HP: Low
- Strength: Low
- Attack: Ranged
- Speed: Slow
- Intel: Stupid
- HP: High
- Strength: High
- Attack: Melee
- Speed: Fast
- Intel: Better (Paths to the player, taking path of least resistance
- HP: Medium
- HP: Low
- Strength: Medium
- Attack: Melee
- Speed: Manual
- Damage: Low
- Accuracy: High
- Speed: Fast
- Damage: Low
- Accuracy: Low
- Speed: Low
- Damage: High
- Accuracy: Low